It is now being announced that Morning Musume 22 member Kaede Kaga intends to graduate from the group and Hello! Project following their concert tour Hello! Project 2022 Autumn CITY CIRCUIT Morning Musume.’22 25th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT TOUR ~SINGIN’ TO THE BEAT~ in the fall of 2022. I know that I have not posted on this site since July but I’ve been so busy with life what can I say?

Kaga became more interested in dancing as she did her work with Morning Musume 22. It is said that she has the aim to learn earnestly about dance. Good luck to Kaede Kaga as she embarks on this new path in her career.
Source of image: hello-online picture board
Kaga began her career because she was known as a Hello Pro Trainee. She was selected to join Morning Musume in December 2016 when no one else qualified in the Morning Musume.’16 Shinseiki Audition. Her single debut with the group was in the single Brand New Morning/Jealousy Jealousy. What has she done since leaving Morning Musume? That’s what the rest of this post will address. On December 10, 2022 the same day that she graduated from Morning Musume and Hello! Project, she released a photo book produced by actress Mayu Matsuoka called Kaga Kaede Graduation Memorial PhotoBook.
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